Rising Matriarchs Community

Rising Matriarchs is a prayer in motion—A space where wisdom keepers share embodied knowledge to guide the next generations.

Reclaiming Our Ancestral Saberes

Rising Matriarchs is our virtual school, abundant with workshops and skill shares on agroecology, traditional healing, holistic sexual health, Indigenous foodways, herbalism, body literacy and women’s hidden histories. It includes an archive with over 70+ hours of recorded classes, herbal monographs, remedios, blog posts, how-to guides and a wide variety of books and resources for further study. Every month we host diverse guest teachers to share their expertise with us live.

You’re in the right place if you’re:

  • Searching for a positive transformation & reclamation of power in your life, body and lineage

  • Longing to reconnect to your ancestral ways of being, in a way that feels authentic

  • In need of community support, guidance and the everyday consejo amongst comadres

  • Ready to equip yourself with new skills and wisdom that will propel you and your family forward

  • Wanting to learn about how to live closer to the land & nature, how to produce your own foods & remedios & how to heal yourself and your family, from people who are doing it!

Why Rising Matriarchs?

We define a rising matriarch as a woman or womb carrier who is in the process of remembering their power. We are all rising matriarchs when we take on the commitment to reclaim our ancestral ways of knowing. A rising matriarch understands the sacredness of this reclamation work and of transmitting our ancestral memory to the next generations. We are everywhere. We are shifting oppressive narratives and creating new realities for our communities!

We have created a virtual school and support network for those who identify with the sacred role of a rising matriarch. Rising Matriarchs Community is a monthly membership program and living digital library of accessible wisdom meant to support herbalists, mothers, birth workers and community care-takers of all kinds.

What if you could

Attend an Indigenous herbalism school from the comfort of your home

Learn valuable skills that can help propel you financially & heal your body & community at the same time?

And have the support from a diverse community of healers, parents and entrepreneurs?

Rising Matriarchs Community

When you join, you get access to:

1. A living library with over 70 hours of workshops
2. Live classes every month
3. Written and visual guides
4. An active and diverse community
5. Access to our library of matriarchal wisdom
6. Affordable education at your own pace
7. Culturally-rooted teachings

Choose your plan

Semilla | Seed
Every month
Every year

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month. Use this tier if you currently have low income or financial hardship.

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Live classes every month
✓ An active and diverse community
✓ Affordable education at your own pace
Brote | Sprout
Every month
Every year

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month. Use this tier if you have stable income & housing and all your basic needs are met.

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Live classes every month
✓ An active and diverse community
✓ Affordable education at your own pace
Flor | Flower
Every month
Every year

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month. Use this tier if you are financially abundant. You have stable income, housing, all of your needs are met and you have extra to share, invest, learn, create. This tier is also for members who wish to support accessible seats for others.

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Live classes every month
✓ An active and diverse community
✓ Affordable education at your own pace

Inside the Community

  • On-demand Workshops

    Access to our growing library of recorded skill shares and workshops, all from an Indigenous perspective. You can watch them at your own pace, from the comfort of your home.

  • Culturally-rooted Live Gatherings + Teachings

    A seat at our live monthly gatherings featuring culturally rooted teachers that will share their magic and expertise with us. We welcome members and feature guest speakers from many different Indigenous cultures so that our learning can be diverse and wholesome.

  • Herbal Guides

    Step by step guides to help you bring herbal medicine & Indigenous food ways into your kitchen every day, created exclusively for our members.

  • Active Virtual Community

    Access to our exclusive digital platform to connect with our diverse community of birth workers, herbalists, entrepreneurs, healers & mothers in our members-only forum. This will help you grow your networks of support.

  • Access to our library of matriarchal wisdom

    Each month we upload new materials for you to continue learning and empowering yourself.

  • Affordable Education

    we offer sliding-scale pricing to fit your financial capacity. No questions asked. We also offer captioned videos.

Remembering what it means to be a Matriarch

Women and femmes have been holding it down since time immemorial and we know this. Since the beginning of our time on Mother Earth we have been leaders, stewards, healers, mothers, artists, scientists and innovators. We have been the head of large families, communities and States. When resources and decision-making is in our hands, nobody is left out. We make sure to multiply what we have and make sure that everyone is taken care of.

Power within matriarchy is defined by the ability to love, to heal and to cultivate & protect life. It’s very different from the patriarchal definition of power, which is all about being obsessed with control and putting profit over people & nature. Instead, matriarchy teaches us to stay true to our Spirit and to honor the sacred job that Creator gave each and every single one of us on Mother Earth. To be a matriarch is to practice inclusive leadership.

  • "This class has been such a gift. Being in a new place, experiencing winter and feeling disconnected have all been a toll but this has been such a beautiful space for me to appreciate the Earth and people around me. I also teach 6th grade reading and it just so happened we moved our water unit to right now and I have such a different lens with how I am introducing this to my kids."

    Melissa Mendoza

  • ""...This class has planted a seed. I found this class by fate and directly at a time when I really needed this medicine for my spirit coming out of a depression. I was looking for different ways to reconnect back to myself as well as my ancestors and then bam, I saw the opening for this class and knew I had to register. "

    Amber V.

  • Now, I am learning how to connect with plants, taking more time for myself and lots of other beautiful things have come to fruition. Now I get to pass this knowledge to my children and that to me is GOLDEN! It's also given me a fresh perspective on the world around me as well as some happiness connecting with everyone on here.


  • I am inspired by the work that you do to decolonize birthwork and mostly appreciative of the brave and frank manner in which you call out the systems that oppress and profit. Your courses are so rich...I see you and value the work you do.

    Heather Smith


Video Walkthrough

What do they get?


Why do we need this reclamation of power?

Because for so long we have been seeing our lands be extracted from, stolen from us and become polluted. We’ve seen our children disappear into foster care, boarding schools and other colonial institutions. We’ve seen our youth and activists disappear violently. We’ve seen our men be lost to alcoholism. We’ve experienced domestic violence and all forms of abuse. In the meantime, it has been the women and femmes the ones that have stood up and kept our lineages going.

It is thanks to our love and sacrifice that our communities continue to exist.

Your Instructor

My name is Montse Olmos and I am the founder of Mujer de la Tierra. I was born in Mexico City and grew up with my abuelas, in the states of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas. I come from a mixed lineage and I have migrated multiple times across national and international colonial borders. I proudly identify as Totonaca, Nahuatl & Chichimeca, these are the lineages that inform my sacred work and path.

I began my formal doula studies at Ancient Song Doula Services in Brooklyn, NY, but by ancestral inheritance, I am a full spectrum birth companion and the granddaughter of traditional midwives & healers. I created the first-of-its-kind online course titled, Cultural Appropriation in Rebozo Work, which explores the decolonial history of this sacred textile and its symbolism of Indigenous brilliance and resilience. 

Over the years I have supported hundreds of women and families both in the U.S. and Mexico as their birth and abortion companion and have taught over two thousand students through my virtual courses on childbirth, abortion care, herbalism and the rebozo. To me, this work is much more than a business, but rather a deep calling from within and how I honor my ancestors every day. 

I’ve spoken internationally on issues such as Indigenous sovereignty and autonomy, colonial extractivism and the commodification of Indigenous knowledge and traditions. I have presented my work at the National Midwifery Institute, The University of Humanistic Studies in the Netherlands, The Educated Birth and the SIAParto Conference in Brazil, to name a few. 


  • The people we serve are Indigenous women and femmes  looking to become (or already doing their work as): 

    • community organizers

    • birth workers (doulas, midwives, lactation consultants, etc)

    • herbalists

    • farmers, gardeners

    • land stewards

    • healers

    • entrepreneurs

    • seed guardians 

    • keepers of ancestral wisdom

    Our offerings are for those who see themselves as self-determined beings who want to help shift the current culture and contribute to the movement for food and land sovereignty, by stepping into the roles of leadership, mothering, care-taking, organizing and educating.

  • Within our understanding of matriarchy and as our Indigenous ancestors of Anahuac and Abya Yala understood in the past and even still today: matriarchy and matrilineal cultures are inclusive, loving and protecting of everyone, regardless of their gender expression. This space, however, is specifically curated for people with wombs.

  • All webinars, trainings and skill shares are held via Zoom. In the case of events that will be held in-person at a specific location, we will make sure to make this clear.

  • Always!

  • We do not provide refunds of any kind. Due to the nature of digital products, once you purchase a class, training or a subscription, we do not give refunds. In the case of annual subscriptions to the Rising Matriarchs Community, you are fully responsible for keeping track of your annual payment date. This is when payment will be charged to your card. If you forgot about this date and suddenly realize it was charged to your card, we will not provide a refund.

  • Rising Matriarchs Community is open and active 24/7, all year round. As long as you remain a subscriber you have access to the entire platform and all upcoming live classes. Once you cancel your subscription, you lose access to the content inside the platform and to all upcoming classes.

  • We provide captioned videos and we are currently working on making sure that we have live interpretation in English and Spanish for the live classes. We also use visual materials and slideshows as a way to accommodate different learning styles.

Join Rising Matriarchs Today

Make the decision today